Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Hello and welcome. Actually this is not my first time blogging, because I have my own personal blog which consists of my personal experiences, thoughts and perceptive. This blog will mainly discuss what I learned on my Issues in Publication & Design in Taylors University College Malaysia.

After 4 weeks of attending the IPD classes, I come to realization that there are so many factors need to be considered when we publish documents. How choices of words must be selected carefully so that it won't offend the public, or the images that are used to support the documents we publish. Also, the design of the document plays an important role as well; where we want to put the title, pictures, or sub-headings of the document so it won't confuse or offend the public or the audience we targeted for our documents. Another thing is that it is not only the design of the document but also the publishing issue is discussed as well. 

Lastly, this blog is open to students, lecturers and perhaps publisher as well. Please feel free to comment on my post as I'm still a student and still learning about design and publishing. Perhaps we can even share our thoughts and knowledge together.


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