Thursday, September 30, 2010

Classification of Blogs

There are many kinds of blogs that we can find on the web these days. According to Misty Belardo in her article in Ink Rebels, there are 5 types of blogs.

1. Collaborative Blogs
Collaborative blogs are those blogs which have multiple authors. Example of these blogs are Ink Rebels, Raster Rebels and many more. The concept behind this type of blog is to pull together resources from several writers. The blog follows a theme. The articles are scheduled at agreed upon intervals.

2. How To/Tutorial Blogs
This type of blog contains information on how something is made or how something works. This type of blog is usually time consuming in making, but if the content is relevant or inspiring the result is that the post will get a lot of traffic and comments. Example of this blog is Photoshop Tutorial Blog

3. Travel and Cultural Blogs
This blog is ideal for people who love to chronicle their journeys. Some sites offer user to upload photos of their journeys, map their trips as well as meeting other travelers. Example of this blog is Travel Blogs

4. Fashion and Lifestyle Blogs
Nowadays people want to look good and follow lifestyle trends. One way to follow all these is via the fashion and lifestyle blogs. Some people tend to get recommendations from blogs before they start buying new fashion items or indulge in new lifestyle trends. Example of this blog is I am Fashion, Lifehack, last100, and many more.

5. Personal Blogs
Personal blogs are the most used blogs by people in the web. It is the most common and popular type of blog. The contents are basically based on personal experience and most people really don't care if there were any readers or not because it is one of the greatest form of self expressions. The main important thing is that the content must include personal ideas, thoughts and know how. Examples of personal blogs are Psykotha, another HELLO for last GOODBYE, and many more.

Belardo, M 'The 5 Types of Blogs, Which One Suits You Best?' Ink Rebels viewed on 30 September 2010

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